Previous teach:
- Course Instructor for 1st year Math students in Linear Algebra and Analysis
- Teaching assistant for Calculus A Exercises sessions.
- Teaching assistant for Linear Algebra Exercises sessions.
- Course Instructor for Algebra 2 for 1st year engineering students (in German), at Institut supérieur franco-allemand de techniques, d’économie et de sciences, KomplexZahlen, Kurs, Online-Prüfungen (Online Socrative Prüfungen sind auf Anfrage erhältlich), TrainingsUbungen, MidExam, Final, Resit
- Grader for Analysis for 2nd year math majors, TD (Based on C. Bennis notes), Exam
- Course Instructor for the Preparation for the Computer Modeling Exam in Probability for the Agrégation (Option A, Scilab, since Dec 2020)
- Grader for Probability for 4th year math majors, TD (Based on T. Wurzbacher notes), HomeExam, Exam
- Course Instructor for “Math and Statistics” (plotting functions, sequences, integrals, discrete probabilities), summary and training exercices, Exam 2021, Resit 2021
- Course Instructor in “Calculus” and “Foundations of Mathematics” for 1st year math majors, Notes and Exams (French)
- Course Instructor in “Mathematical Methods” at Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Mesures Physiques, Notes and Exams (French)
- Grader for Statistics (normal distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing) for first year medicine students
- Course Instructor for “An Introduction to the Latex Programming”
- Course Instructor for “An Introduction to the SAGE Programming”
- Course Instructor for Probability (normal distributions, trust intervals, test theory), Notes, Some summary sheets, Some quizzes given to students (The online socrative tests are available on demand), Final 2019, Final 2021, Resit 2019, Resit 2021
- Administered Oral Exams for 2nd and 3rd year math majors in Algebra, Analysis 2 and 3 and Probability
Teaching Competitions:
- 2020: Label de l’enseignement supérieur, Université de Lorraine, Formal certification of successful teaching and skills at the university level
- 2017: Agrégation (the top French competition for teaching mathematics)
- 2016: Capes (Mathematics teaching competition)
Popularization of Mathematics:
- 2021-2023: Invited researcher for “Math.en.Jeans”, French school of Beijing, Make high school student researching on short Maths topics during one year, Subjects 2021, Subjects 2022
- 2018-2019: Founded the student association “Maths and Us” and served as the first President
- 2015-2016: Tutor, Université de Lorraine, Exercise sessions for 1st year students
- 2013-2016: Private lessons in math for high school students
The .tex are of course available on demand (I don’t want to upload everything) and if you see any error, thank you to tell me by email. I will correct it.